I help you step into your authentic power
in every single area of your life.

I can vividly and viscerally remember the moment like it was yesterday… the moment when I hit my lowest point.

When I was literally on-my-knees, screaming “why?!” to my higher power above.

I didn’t know why I was suffering. What I had done to deserve this suffering.

Maybe you, too, are at this moment.

I need you to know, you are not alone … I’m standing here with you.

I know how it feels to be

Let’s just be real… I know how it feels to be absolutely hopeless…

I thought I “had it all….”

When I hit this low, my body was dying from a debilitating mystery illness that took over 30 doctors to successfully diagnose. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me…

Until this point, I thought I “had it all.” I had the successful journalistic career of my dreams, a thriving PR business of my own that I was building, and the perfect family of 3 sweet little girls and a wonderful husband.

By the time I was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease (which me and my journalistic skills uncovered MUCH before the countless doctors, but that’s a story for another day!), my stress cortisone levels were literally off the charts.

Let’s just say I wasn’t familiar with the concept of “slowing down to heal.” I lived a fast-paced life as a successful journalist and eventually created my own media placement and PR company. I was successful… I was an award-winning podcaster, owned a bustling media relations company, and had a beautiful family. But I was also really successful at numbing my real feelings.

I lost my dad suddenly and traumatically at age 11, and as a child raised in a military family, I was praised for how “strong” I was in the face of this family tragedy. With this burden of strength, I buried my pain and grief for years… numbing with work and alcohol rather than facing my pain.

But when my body began to literally break down from my Lyme disease, I not only had to heal myself from this illness… I also had to feel and heal all the unprocessed grief and trauma hiding beneath the surface.

I went from “having it all” to being riddled with sickness. I couldn’t hold my precious baby girl, because I had a PICC line, administering IV antibiotics to my heart. I had to move in with my in-laws and even had a period where I had to live away from my children to protect them from seeing me in such traumatic levels of pain.

Suffice to say, it was one of the most difficult and challenging periods of my life. And did I mention that the physical healing from Lyme was only about 20% of the process? The remaining 80% came down to me…

Giving Myself Permission to Feel and Heal

The healing for me began in the final moment of desperation before diagnosis. After seeing countless doctors and feeling ignored and incredibly misunderstood, I wanted to give up. But my mother-in-law pleaded with me to see just one final doctor… the doctor who finally saw me, validated what I was feeling and simply listened to me. This was the first pathway that opened for me to truly heal…

I dove deep and embraced both Western and Eastern medicine and healing modalities, from yoga to reiki, meditation to medicine. I healed from Lyme disease! But in the process, I also unearthed and worked through feelings of grief I had buried for 20 years, namely, facing the loss that 11-year-old me had never had the chance to process: losing my strong, hero, army dad suddenly, right in front of my eyes.

I allowed myself to feel. To finally fully grieve my beloved father. To acknowledge and celebrate myself as a survivor of Lyme disease, Post-traumatic stress (PTSD), and postpartum depression. I became a new person, no longer burning myself out and sleeping 4 hours a night. I became a spiritual, aligned person who gave herself time and space to feel and heal regularly.

I spent the pandemic writing and interviewing some of the top experts in the field and created…


I also began to study to become a Life Designer™, so I could continue sharing my healing modalities, experiences, and messages and help others reach the same kind of bliss! During the pandemic I also earned my certificate in the Science of Well-Being through Yale University, as I wanted to dive deeper and truly understand healing. I’m also certified in Reiki I.

When you work with me or read Authentic Power,
you’re working with a…


Basking in the healing skills and modalities that I’ve learned along my journey. This includes breathwork, yogic exercises, meditation, sacred writing and Reiki healing. I have studied with healers across multiple modalities and have a well-rounded toolkit to bring to our work.


Skilled in public relations and media placement. As a publicist specializing in media placement for books and authors, I’ve worked with some of the world’s top authors and healers to share their impactful message with the world. At my bustling media relations and media training company, Nardi Media, we’ve amplified the voices of some of the world’s top healers and authors, including Mel Robbins, Susan Pierce Thompson, Jamie Metzl, Dr. Emma Seppala, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor and Chris Kattan.


Just like you! I am a proud survivor of Lyme disease, postpartum depression, anxiety and PTSD. I’ve been through the deepest darkest journeys into despair, and I’m here on the other side to show you that you have what it takes to make it to the other side too. I survived the darkest periods and challenges of my life and unearthed my Authentic Power by allowing myself to really feel my pain, sadness and grief.

My Vision For You…

My vision for you and the world is that this set of gifts and Authentic Power will reach you and make you feel a little less alone in this world.

I promise you that Authentic Power will be…

If you’re new to my world, I suggest you get started by grabbing a copy of


If you’re ready to go a step deeper, I am here to guide you as well as a certified Life Designer™ and guide. Together, we’ll help you shift, transform, redesign, realign your life in a way that feels absolutely delightful to you. I’m ultimately here to help you see your own brilliance.


Is the book I needed when I was in the depths of despair and not wanting to continue on with my life.

Whether you are going through death, divorce, illness, or any life adversity, the book provides the tools to teach you how to move through your pain, let down the mask of strength, and feel your genuine emotions to FEEL and HEAL.


…That everything is happening for you… not to you. Even though this is impossible to see at times. I went from running myself to the bone, sleeping barely 4 hours a night, numbing all my pain and unhealed trauma with work and alcohol, sick with Lyme disease

…To today where I run my own business, have just written my first book, sleep a comfortable 8-9 hours a night, stronger than ever as I do Zumba and train for the Army 10-miler. I also adore a good nap, and giving myself permission to genuinely rest has been one of the greatest gifts to myself during this healing journey. I’ve found my own version of authentic power, by grounding myself in modalities like daily breathwork, yoga, meditation and time in nature.

…That your illness, pain, grief, trauma, and suffering… they do not define you.

…That your sensitivity is a gift and not something to be hidden away. My entire life, I was told I was more sensitive than the average bear, which I took to be a hindrance when in reality, I now know it’s a gift. Just like you are a gift.

…That it gets better. I know how you feel when you want to give up on life,
you are drowning in despair and have little hope left that physical, emotional, and spiritual healing is possible. But I am here to tell you that it is, and I am a testament to that.